Sunny D
Leo Sondag, formally known as 'Sunny D', is a dj and producer from The Netherlands. Leo, who's born and raised in Volendam, started his career 25 years ago. After visiting Multigroove he fell in love with 'the harder styles'. Shortly after, he bought his first pair of Technics turntables and discoverred that he had a knack for spinning records. At the beginning of his career he mainly focused on what is nowadays called 'early hardcore'. One could argue that Leo is one of the very few dj's who witnessed and participated in the emergence of the so-called 'harder styles-revolutio'. Multigroove and Qlubtempo were one of the first gigs at which he played hardstyle. Later on, he also played at big gigs, like Mysteryland, Qlimax, Hardbass and Sensation Black.